FTF Meeting-Approved nominations are announced and placed in The Golden Drum. An honoree spins The Golden Drum and randomly selects 3 nominations. The member who nominated the organization makes a 5-minute presentation for her nomination, followed by a short Q & A. Members vote. If you are a member and unable to attend, you may vote by completing the Proxy Ballot and sending it to the meeting with another member. All proxies must be presented at the proxy table before the meeting.

The Impact Award will be presented to the organization receiving the most votes. In the event of a tie, there will be a second vote to break the tie. 100% of the funds collected will be awarded to one organization. As a member, you agree to abide by the decision of the group. With the exception of the awarded organization, all nominations return to The Golden Drum for the next Giving Circle’s Impact Award.

Virtual Meeting: In times when we opt not to meet in person, a video presentation from each of the 3 organizations drawn will be made. This video, along with a voting platform, will be delivered to members using an electronic invitation.