Member Feature: Carol Coleman Littlejohn
Carol Coleman Littlejohn has called Columbus home all her life and will let you know that for her, there’s no place better than home. She was born in downtown Columbus at Doster Hospital in 1950, walked daily to Stokes-Beard Elementary, attended Joe Cook Jr. High, Caldwell, S.D.Lee High, then on to MSCW/MUW.
In April of 2019, when women were first invited to come together to give together, Carol arrived not only with her big, beautiful smile and heart, but with friends, all with their checkbooks, excited to become members. Carol is retired now, but worked for 30 years in what she says was definitely a man’s world… Dixie Auto Parts, her family’s business. She knows what women can achieve and liked what she heard about 100 Women Who Care. I’ll let her tell you:
“I absolutely love being part of 100 Women Who Care. My check alone wouldn’t carry much weight, but when all of us wonderful women join forces, we make a huge difference in Lowndes County. Plus, the friendships that are new and all of our old friends make such a wonderful bond, doing good things! … together we rock!
Come join us, we would love you to help us make a difference. You will be amazed when that big old check is handed to deserving organizations… it feels great!’
Thank you, Carol, for genuinely caring about Columbus AND for being so enthusiastic about 100 WWC. We ARE making a difference.